Human beings are very unique.Can you imagine,God promises a man something,the man thinks the miracle is coming too late to come to pass.God now promises a woman,she thinks it is too early or too
fast to come to pass.Human beings!

                            TOO LATE
And Zechariah said to the angel, “How shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is advanced in years”-Luke 1:18
This is the promise that led to the quotation above-“Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son”.
Zechariah thought this miracle was too late as far as he and his wife were concerned.
Many times there are issues that you have prayed and fasted about but it seems results are not just forthcoming.You might have even gotten to a level you have accepted the status quo and stopped praying about them.
“Pls Pastor don’t even bother God about my situation again” .
There is a prophetic declaration on those issues today.God is revisiting those issues if you can just believe.
It might be too late for you to marry.
It might be too late for you to conceive.
It might be too late for you to gain admission to school.
It might be too late for you to buy a car.
Yes it is  too late based on your assessment.
Let me introduce you to a God who does not use earthly wrist watch!
He operates in a timeless zone.
He is not limited by time or by seasons.
But He is so powerful that ‘He changes times and seasons’-Dan 2:21.
Therefore He has sent me to inform you that:
Your time of barrenness is changing to a time of fruitfulness.
Your time of tears is changing to a time of joy.
Your time of loneliness is changing to a time of companionship in Jesus name.
It is never too late for Jesus no matter the condition.

                           TOO EARLY
“Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?” -Luke 1:34 KJV
This is interesting.Zechariah thought he and the wife were too old.Mary in her own case thought it was too early.
Human needs sometimes could be insatiable.It takes only God to satisfy us!
This is one of the times I love KJV of the Bible.I want you to reread the question Mary asked and let the Holy Spirit illuminate your mind.
“Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?”
The literal meaning is that Mary was a virgin.How could God say she was going to get pregnant without any man’s involvement?
How can you get that job seeing you know not a man?
How can you get that admission seeing you know not a man?
How can you get that contract seeing you know not a man?
How? How ? How? when you don’t have a god-father.
It seemed too early and too good to be true for Mary.
God can do exceedingly, abundantly ,above all what you think or imagine.
Blessed is he/she that believes: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told him/her from the Lord.
You may not be qualified for it,but there is a God that can suspend rules overnight to favour your lot.
Read this:
The next day Moses entered the tent and saw that Aaron’s staff, which represented the tribe of Levi, had not only sprouted but had budded, blossomed and produced almonds.- Numbers 17:8
Overnight(within 24 hours),God made an ordinary staff to go through four processes of growth that should have taken years.
Sprouting,budding,blossoming and fruitfulness just in a day! That was just too fast.
There is someone reading this post now,the Lord will suspend the rules concerning your case to bring about a miracle in your life in Jesus’ name.Amen.
Brethren,considering the enormosity of your vision in life,you need ACCELERATED PROMOTION from a SUPERNATURAL TOUCH OF GOD.
   Sit down and write out those things you think are too late for you to  accomplish and those things you think if God should do they qualify as too early for your age,status and exposure.Present them to the Almighty God today.
You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father-John 14:13
Stay blessed and rapturable.