“So the Lord changed His mind about the harm which He said He would do to His people”-
Exodus 32:14

“God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? Numbers 23:19

  Does God change His mind? Do these two verses above contradict each other?
I will answer by asking a question: Does the sun actually rise or set? The sun is stationary! The earth only moves round the sun.From our viewpoint on earth it seems it is the sun that moves but in the actual fact it is the earth that revolves round the sun.
So from God’s perspective He does not change His mind,but from man’s viewpoint it seems He does.Our movement ’round ‘ God makes us think He is always changing His mind.
  That leaves us with two equation terminologies: A constant (God) and a variable(Man).God has a fixed/constant purpose,no shadow of turning in Him.However man can decide either to move as to invite God’s mercy or wrath.

If per chance you find yourself under the wrath of God.
If per chance you have done terrible things against God and man to warrant terrible punishment.
If you are even suffering from the repercussions of your deeds now.
Or you have been marked out for harm by God using the Devil!

  Let me tell you one constant/ fixed purpose of God for all sinners:
“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance”-2 Peter 3:9

  Irrespective of what you have done if you can ‘revolve’ and turn towards God,and confess your terrible sins to Him,He will forgive you today.Then from your own perspective it can really be said that God has changed His mind about the harm He wanted to inflict on you.But does He change His mind?
No! You change! You ‘revolve’ round His mercy! You make a 360° turn around to God!
Therefore this prophecy shall be fulfilled in your life that:
“Your sun will never set again, and your moon will wane no more; the LORD will be your everlasting light, and your days of sorrow will end.”-Isaiah 60:20
Remain blessed and rapturable.