A man cannot go beyond his belief!(1)

Once upon a time,the world was regarded as being flat.

They could only sail short distances,for they said, “if we go farther we shall fall off”.


The belief then was that since the earth was flat like the top of a table,one could fall off if one got to the edge of it.

But there was a man who didn’t subscribe to such limiting belief:Christopher Columbus.

He was an Italian explorer and navigator from the Republic of Genoa.

He proposed to take the bull by the horn by sailing due West and insisted that he would keep going contrary to the world’s view that if one went too far one would fall off the cliff!

Guess what? When Columbus embarked on the journey,the world said he was crazy.

Nevertheless,he sailed Westward safely and he didn’t fall.

Both the world then on one side and Columbus on the other side were only able to go as far as their beliefs could carry them!

To be continued…