The prophetic utterances of Jacob …(1)

In the next few days,we shall be looking at the prophecies Jacob declared over his twelve children,how these shaped their lives and the lessons we can learn from them.

This post will serve as the foundation for the subsequent ones.

Let’s begin:

While Jacob was in Egypt,he called his children together to foretell their future.I can imagine the palpable fear on their faces because that meeting was not an ordinary one.Every pronouncement of Jacob later had something to do with their lives and generations to come.

“And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days.” -Gen 49:1

What does that mean?

It means if Jacob said “A” would become great,then “A” and his future generations would be great men and women.The reverse is also true.

Do you see how powerful prophecies can be?

That prophetic utterances uttered in the corner of a room have lasting effects on many generations yet unborn make them something we should study and learn from.

What do you think?

To be continued…